Insecure Writer's Support Group: News

This week I've joined the Insecure Writer's Support Group through Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog.

I have news. I got an email from an editor I talked to at a writer's conference almost nine months ago. I sent him the whole of Trendy Poseurs Go Home, which he requested because he wanted to read a YA novel that was completely devoid of the paranormal. So his recent email said he just started reading what I sent him, which is understandable because it takes a long time to get through submissions like this, but I had given up on that particular possibility long ago. He said he liked what he was reading and wanted to make sure it was still up for grabs before he read the rest.

I immediately responded and said, yes, yes, by all means read on and enjoy. And how much do you want to pay me for it? Should I start planning my book tour? Who's going to play me and my twin in the Charlie Kaufman version for the screen?

Sometimes my brain does that, it's true. But in reality, I know it's a long shot. A very long shot, like aiming a laser pointer at the moon.

When I tell people, they go, oh, that's so cool. It is, but it's not. In my head I'm thinking it's a small step that could too easily disappear like your footsteps on the beach. I most likely will wait another nine months for another response and it will be a kind but firm rejection.

What do I do in the meantime?


  1. It's great news! Now, the best advice I can give you - get back to work. Don't sit and stew, waiting to see what happens. Don't throw that valuable time away. Push it aside as much as you can and keep writing.

    Good Luck.

    1. Thanks, Wendy. I have a hard time not stewing, though.

  2. It is good news, no matter what the editor's decision is. The best thing you can do now is write another book. :)

    1. Thanks, Cherie. I've got other stuff to write, but it's daunting.

  3. Why you keep writing, of course and 'keep a weather eye on the horizon' cause you never know.

    1. Keeping the horizon from taking over is the hard part.

  4. That is awesome news. And if I was in that situation, I'd be having the same book tour and movie deal response.

    In the past when I've been waiting, I go hiking. A lot. Saves the wear and tear on the carpet.

    1. I'm currently supposed to be on vacation. But that doesn't stop me from fretting.

  5. Oh, I do know this feeling. I hope the agent loves your novel and you hear back sooner than 9 months.

    In the meantime, write something else. It will keep your mind off this novel.

    Best wishes!!

    1. Thanks, other Cherie. I hope it's sooner rather than later, too.

  6. A. I feel we writers need to celebrate all of our victories, no matter how "small" we think they may be. A professional digs what he's read of your work - that's a victory, my friend.

    B. Keep busy! Do good things! Do write! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Thanks, Mina. It is validating that a professional says he likes it.

  7. Int he mean time think positive and write anopther book.

  8. A long shot is still a shot! Good luck with everything, and keep writing in the meantime! :)

    1. And if I don't hit the moon, I'll still be among the stars? Is that what you mean, Candice? Sorry, the cynical me likes to make fun of those sayings, so I thought I'd throw it in here. :)

    2. Never say die! Um...Do or do not, there is no try! Or how've only really failed if you give up! I

      I've got more. :)

  9. You start your next story, of course! Cause otherwise the waiting will kill you. Best of luck!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

    1. I sure hope the waiting doesn't kill me. Whether I write anything else or not. :)

  10. Congrats. I know it's not an actual deal, but it's exciting and a validation of all your hard work.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. The validation is satisfying. A bit.

  11. My girlfriend and I refer to this as a "hope rampage:"

    "I immediately responded and said, yes, yes, by all means read on and enjoy. And how much do you want to pay me for it? Should I start planning my book tour? Who's going to play me and my twin in the Charlie Kaufman version for the screen?

    Sometimes my brain does that, it's true."

    1. I like that. Hope Rampage. What I should have titled this post. Do I have your permission if I still do that? :)

  12. I'm sure if the Insecure Writers Support Group got out, there would be bazillions of members.

    You got someone to read it, that's a big step.

    1. There ARE over 300 members. Not bazillions, but I think that's a lot.

  13. Congrats on the request! Enjoy the high as long as you can. Until you get a response, try to stay positive. Who knows? You may get exactly what you want. :)

    1. Thanks, but the high was disappointingly short. But fingers are still crossed. :)

  14. Welcome to the IWSG! And that is awesome news. Hey, you never know, right?
    What do you do now? Write something else. It'll keep your mind busy and occupied. Trust me!

    1. Thanks, Alex. I felt a little self-conscious beginning my "Insecure" posts with relatively good news, but I've clearly returned to my usual neurotic self.

  15. Are you kidding? That's amazing news! Yes, it might not work out, but now you know you've got a story worth shopping around. That alone is worth celebrating. Some authors never get out of the query process.

    1. That's true, McKenzie. I have more validation that the story is worth shopping around. That's kinda cool.

  16. Hi Brent, I'm a new follower via the IWSG. Welcome to the group! As someone who's been in that position, my advice is to just keep writing. Expect the worst, but hope for the best. These things usually take a lot of time. But it sure is encouraging to get that call. I hope it all works out for you. It truly is fantastic news and a great opportunity! Good luck and I hope to see you around.

    1. Thanks for following and for the encouragement, Nancy. It's what I joined the group for after all. :)

  17. That is SO awesome that someone wants to read your book! Congratulations are due for that no matter what happens next. Good luck! :)

  18. Hey, that's great! Congratulations!

  19. Congratulate yourself for getting this far, and try to hang on.. I know it is rough! Maybe concentrate on working on your next piece in the meantime?

    Great blog btw!


  20. Thanks for visiting and following, Andrea. I'll get right on that next piece. :)

  21. Oooh! Yay for you. :) Nine months is nothing to them, and an eternity for us. Last year in March, I sent a ms to an agent who waited until Dec. to tell me she liked it, asked me to make a few changes and then...nada! It's been six months. I'm not writing it off though. Merely working on other things.

    YA non-paranormal really? Just kidding. I adore paranormal stories. I write them myself sometimes. But, the un-ghostly, etc. YA novels are definitely unique in the market today. Way to go!!

    Welcome to the IWSG. :))

    1. Thanks for visiting, Candilynn. The editor said he was looking for specifically un-paranormal YA. He was sick of the paranormal romance and said there was a bigger market for YA for/about boys. My fingers are crossed.


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