One Year Ago: A Photoessay

One year ago today, this happened:

You can find out more about what happened immediately before this by reading the first two installments of "A Star is Born": part one and part two. Part three is pending. Look for it this week. Promise. It'll tell more about his time in the hospital, as seen above.

After a month, he came home. Then some more things happened. Most of them entailed becoming cuter and cuter.

And a little fatter.

Despite not leaving the house for the first six months, he's done quite a few amazing things in his short life.

He's already had one Christmas. He loved it.

He had his church blessing. He loved it.

He went to Vegas. He loved it.

He went swimming. He loved it. His sister loved it also.

He went to Halloween. He loved it.

He's been in the snow. He loved it.

 He's a pretty cool guy. I'm glad to know him.

I'm trying to post this to the minute. He's now exactly one year old. Happy birthday, Xander-man.


  1. Awwwww... so sweet! Happy Birthday Xander! Very cool that you could do this to the minute of his grand entrance!

  2. He really is cute kid! Congratulations.

  3. Happy Birthday X-Man! And I know you'll grow up to be just as cool as your Daddy. (grin)

  4. Wow. Happy birthday! His Halloween costume was cute.

  5. Happy birthday to your darling son...although I have to admit...the name "Xander" sounds kinda weird to me. Did you get that from a fantasy book? Back in my day, people had names like "Joe, Mike, John, Kevin..."

  6. Happy, happy birthday to Xander. My favorite picture has to be the Halloween outfit. Cracks me up every time.

  7. Thanks everybody for your well-wishes.

    @ Michael: Alexander is my wife's father's name. We call our baby Xander after the character in Buffy who saved the world with a yellow crayon.

  8. Yay! Happy Birthday Xander!

    He's such a cutie. I'm glad he's here and that he's doing so well. :)

  9. My favorite is the little guy sitting on his sister's lap. Made me crack a smile.

  10. My first born started out this way too. I show him pictures every time he gets so arrogant we can hardly stand him (he's 29 now).

    Happy birthday Xander. And Brent, that first year is the most worrysome, but after that its all just love, love, love. Your daughter is living testament to that :)


  11. Happy belated birthday to little Xander! I hope it was the best first birthday anyone could ask for!

  12. Thanks again, everyone. Make sure you click on each picture to get the full effect. He has crazy cute eyes in the picture in the bath.

    @ Donna: I'm sure I'll use this blog to embarrass him to no end later in his life.


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